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Tokyo Nostalgic CarTokyo Nostalgic CarBP東京ノスタルジックカーショー20周年記念

Tokyo Nostalgic CarTokyo Nostalgic CarBP東京ノスタルジックカーショー20周年記念

Nissan Skyline, Lancia Stratos and dozen other vintage cars on diplay for the 20th anniversary of the show.


Japan Hints at Yen Intervention Japan Hints at Yen Intervention 日経平均株価の終値が1万円を割り込む

Japan Hints at Yen Intervention Japan Hints at Yen Intervention 日経平均株価の終値が1万円を割り込む

The yen touched a two-week high of 88.95 yen on May 21.


Early Thai election possibleEarly Thai election possibleゴーン・チャティカワニット財務相

Early Thai election possibleEarly Thai election possibleゴーン・チャティカワニット財務相

Thailand’s Finance Minister said that elections are tentatively scheduled for November.


Elvis Kizusuley rocks !Elvis Kizusuley rocks !エルヴィス・アラン・キズスリーの世界へようこそ!

Elvis Kizusuley rocks !Elvis Kizusuley rocks !エルヴィス・アラン・キズスリーの世界へようこそ!

The 68-years old Rock’n Roll & Country singer continues to put on high-energy shows several times a year.


Interactive services around Lawson storesInteractive services around Lawson storesローソン店舗で展開する広告配信サービス「東京メディア」

Interactive services around Lawson storesInteractive services around Lawson storesローソン店舗で展開する広告配信サービス「東京メディア」

Peoples passing by  will get coupons or information sent to their mobile phones.