Post Tagged with: "addressing"


Yotaro Hatamura Speaks at the FCCJYotaro Hatamura Speaks at the FCCJ畑村原発事故調委員長 外国人記者クラブで講演

Yotaro Hatamura Speaks at the FCCJYotaro Hatamura Speaks at the FCCJ畑村原発事故調委員長 外国人記者クラブで講演

Yotaro Hatamura, a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo and an expert in the mechanism of failures, speaks during a news conference at the foreign press club in Tokyo […]

Business, News

Nissan Announces Power 88 Six-Year Business PlanNissan Announces Power 88 Six-Year Business PlanNissan Announces Power 88 Six-Year Business Plan

Nissan Announces Power 88 Six-Year Business PlanNissan Announces Power 88 Six-Year Business PlanNissan Announces Power 88 Six-Year Business Plan

Nissan Chief Executive Carlos Ghosn unveils the automakers latest six-year business plan, dubbed Nissan Power 88, during a news conference at its head office in Yokohama, south of Tokyo, on […]

News, Politics

LDP President Sadakazu TanigakiLDP President Sadakazu Tanigaki国会会期延長に応ぜず 自民谷垣総裁、見解示す

LDP President Sadakazu TanigakiLDP President Sadakazu Tanigaki国会会期延長に応ぜず 自民谷垣総裁、見解示す

Liberal Democratic Party President Sadakazu Tanigaki speaks during a scheduled briefing at party headquarters in Tokyo on Thursday, June 9, 2011. (Photo by AFLO)