Post Tagged with: "Hiroshima"


G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Hiroshima

G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in Hiroshima

(Click on the image above to view the full gallery) Tokyo, Japan – US Secretary of State John Kerry speaks before the press in Hiroshima, western Japan on Monday, April […]


The world remembers Hiroshima 70 years on

The world remembers Hiroshima 70 years on

Survivors, dignitaries, and well wishers gather in Hiroshima on August 6th 2015 for the 70th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on the city at the end of […]


Hiroshima 66th Anniversary66年目の広島「原爆の日」 灯籠流しで平和を祈念

Hiroshima 66th Anniversary66年目の広島「原爆の日」 灯籠流しで平和を祈念

Colorful paper lantern are leased on to the river running through the City of Hiroshima on Saturday, August 6, 2011, offering prayers for those died during and long after the […]


The 45th Mikio Oda Memorial Athletic MeetThe 45th Mikio Oda Memorial Athletic Meet第45回織田幹雄記念国際陸上

The 45th Mikio Oda Memorial Athletic MeetThe 45th Mikio Oda Memorial Athletic Meet第45回織田幹雄記念国際陸上

Yuji Ohashi (middle) is seen jumping over hurdles during the 45th Mikio Oda Memorial Athletic Meet, JAAF Track & Field Grand Prix Rd.3, during the Men’s 110mH at Hiroshima Kouiki […]