Post Tagged with: "noodles"


Nissin Cup Noodles Museum Grand Opening

Nissin Cup Noodles Museum Grand Opening

September 17, 2011 : Yokohama, Japan – A mother and a daughter visit an optical illusion installation during the grand opening of the Nissin Cup Noodles Museum. Visitors can learn […]

Bizarre, Business, Robots

Japan's Ramen RobotJapan's Ramen RobotJapan's Ramen Robot

Japan’s Ramen RobotJapan’s Ramen RobotJapan’s Ramen Robot

The industrial Japanese robot maker Aisei opened Fa-men, a noodle shop in Nagoya where two robot arms work as hi-tech chefs that feed and entertain customers.


Ramen RobotRamen Robot『名古屋総本家 ふぁーめん』 ロボット店長が調理するラーメン屋

Ramen RobotRamen Robot『名古屋総本家 ふぁーめん』 ロボット店長が調理するラーメン屋

Two robot arms work as hi-tech chefs, feed and entertain customers.