Post Tagged with: "press conference"


Okada makes protests to ChinaOkada makes protests to China岡田外相が抗議 中国船の接近「日本の主権侵害」 

Okada makes protests to ChinaOkada makes protests to China岡田外相が抗議 中国船の接近「日本の主権侵害」 

Chinese ship seen sailing in an “obstructive” way in the East China Sea.


Sharp reboundsSharp reboundsシャープ、2年ぶり黒字決算

Sharp reboundsSharp reboundsシャープ、2年ぶり黒字決算

The company expects Y52bn ($554m) operating profit, reversing a Y55bn operating loss last year.


Harry Wu: Inside the Chinese GulagHarry Wu: Inside the Chinese GulagHarry Wu: Inside the Chinese Gulag

Harry Wu: Inside the Chinese GulagHarry Wu: Inside the Chinese GulagHarry Wu: Inside the Chinese Gulag

Wu, who spent 19 years in a Chinese labor camp, heads the Laogai Research Foundation.


A man’s battle to beat bad rapA man’s battle to beat bad rap高知白バイ事件で冤罪を訴える片岡晴彦さん、警察の裏金問題を内部告発した元警察官の仙波敏郎さん

A man’s battle to beat bad rapA man’s battle to beat bad rap高知白バイ事件で冤罪を訴える片岡晴彦さん、警察の裏金問題を内部告発した元警察官の仙波敏郎さん

Haruhiko Kataoka spent 14 months in prison after being wrongly accused.


Tom Vilsack in JapanTom Vilsack au JapanTom Vilsack’s Japan Visit

Tom Vilsack in JapanTom Vilsack au JapanTom Vilsack’s Japan Visit

The United States and Japan  agreed to resume talks on Japanese restrictions on American beef imports.