Post Tagged with: "t-shirt"


Internet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to JailInternet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to Jail堀江受刑者を収監 モヒカン刈りで出頭

Internet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to JailInternet guru Takafumi Horie Goes to Jail堀江受刑者を収監 モヒカン刈りで出頭

Japan’s maverick Internet guru Takafumi Horie on Monday headed to a Tokyo jail  for accounting fraud. (Photo by Aflo)


Van Gogh MosaicVan Gogh Mosaic2070枚のポロシャツを使い、印象派絵画の巨匠、ゴッホの「自画像」を再現

Van Gogh MosaicVan Gogh Mosaic2070枚のポロシャツを使い、印象派絵画の巨匠、ゴッホの「自画像」を再現

Tokyo-based clothier Onward Kashiyama created the portrait using 2,070 polo shirts.