The humanoid robot Pepper debuted as a new member of staff at the “Tottori Okayama Shimbashi-kan” store on July 1, 2015, Tokyo, Japan. The robot developed by SoftBank Corp. is programmed to interact with people and it is claimed that it can provide reception services in commercial establishments. Pepper will introduce the store’s products and services to customers as a special employee for two days.
The Tottori Okayama Shimbashi-kan sells unique food and traditional handicraft products from Tottori and Okayama prefectures in western Japan.
All photos by our cameraman Rodrigo Reyes Marin/AFLO. Click on one of the images to see the full gallery.
Pepper and a member of staff offer sliced watermelon.
Shinji Hirai, governor of Tottori Prefecture, and the humanoid robot Pepper pose for the cameras.