Press conference for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in Tokyo

Director Quentin Tarantino, producer Shannon McIntosh and actor Leonardo DiCaprio attend the press conference for their movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” in Tokyo, Japan on August 26, 2019. The film will be released in Japan on August 30. (Photo by AFLO)

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio attends the press conference for their movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” in Tokyo, Japan on August 26, 2019. The film will be released in Japan on August 30. (Photo by AFLO)

Quentin Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaprio attends the press conference for their movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” in Tokyo, Japan on August 26, 2019. The film will be released in Japan on August 30. (Photo by AFLO)

Director Quentin Tarantino attends the press conference for their movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” in Tokyo, Japan on August 26, 2019. The film will be released in Japan on August 30. (Photo by AFLO)