June 11 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival (Shishi Matsuri) was held for the first time in four years in Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Departing from Namiyoke Inari Shrine, the Sengan Mikoshi paraded through the Tsukiji area, including the Tsukiji Outer Market, which was bustling with tourists. (Photo by Yosuke Tanaka/AFLO)
June 11 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival (Shishi Matsuri) was held for the first time in four years in Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Departing from Namiyoke Inari Shrine, the Sengan Mikoshi paraded through the Tsukiji area, including the Tsukiji Outer Market, which was bustling with tourists. (Photo by Yosuke Tanaka/AFLO)
June 11 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival (Shishi Matsuri) was held for the first time in four years in Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Departing from Namiyoke Inari Shrine, the Sengan Mikoshi paraded through the Tsukiji area, including the Tsukiji Outer Market, which was bustling with tourists. (Photo by Yosuke Tanaka/AFLO)
June 11 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival (Shishi Matsuri) was held for the first time in four years in Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Departing from Namiyoke Inari Shrine, the Sengan Mikoshi paraded through the Tsukiji area, including the Tsukiji Outer Market, which was bustling with tourists. (Photo by Yosuke Tanaka/AFLO)
June 11 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival (Shishi Matsuri) was held for the first time in four years in Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Departing from Namiyoke Inari Shrine, the Sengan Mikoshi paraded through the Tsukiji area, including the Tsukiji Outer Market, which was bustling with tourists. (Photo by Yosuke Tanaka/AFLO)
June 11 2023, Tokyo, Japan: The Tsukiji Lion Dance Festival (Shishi Matsuri) was held for the first time in four years in Tsukiji, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. Departing from Namiyoke Inari Shrine, the Sengan Mikoshi paraded through the Tsukiji area, including the Tsukiji Outer Market, which was bustling with tourists. (Photo by Yosuke Tanaka/AFLO)