Against the backdrop of Tokyo Sky Tree, a trio of mascot characters poses with the countdown clock installed on the roof of a downtown Tokyo railroad station on Wednesday, July 27, 2011. It is just 300 days before the newest Tokyo landmark, the 634-meter-tall self-standing telecommunication tower with two observatories and commercial facilities, begins operating in spring of 2012. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
300 Days Before Tokyo Sky Tree Opening300 Days Before Tokyo Sky Tree Openingスカイツリー開業へ300日 新キャラクターお披露目
Tags: 300 Days × Against × backdrop × building × cartoons × Countdown clock × cute little girl × downtown Tokyo building × japan × mascot characters × News × opening × penguin × posing × roof × Sky Tree × Sorakara-chan × Sukoburuburu doggy × symbolic × tokyo × Tokyo building × tokyo sky tree × trio