Vice President Sakae Muto of Tokyo Electric Power Co. briefs the media on the revised roadmap for stabilizing its stricken nuclear plant in Fukushima during a news conference at its head office in Tokyo on Tuesday, May 17, 2011. The utility company, known as TEPCO, revised its roadmap after learning three troubled reactors have suffered worse-than-expected damage from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. TEPCO, however, reaffirmed its original goal of cooling the facility within six to nine months, thus ending the nuclear crisis. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Latest News from TEPCOLatest News from TEPCO福島第1原発事故 東電、工程表を修正
Tags: expressions × General Manager × head office × japan × Junichi Matsumoto × listens to reporters' questions × News × news conference × Sakae Muto × spectacles × speech × together × tokyo × Tokyo Electric Power Co. × Vice President