Tokyo, Japan – Contestants shows off their kimonos on stage during the 2013 Kimono Queen Contest, February 16, 2013. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/Nippon News)
Tokyo, Japan – A girl with an advertisement on her leg stand in the middle of the Shibuya Crossing, known as the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing, February 19, 2013. A good advertisement should be put where everyone looks; women’s legs are a perfect canvas. In Japan a new advertising service allows women to rent out their own legs to advertisers. The company is called Absolute Territory PR, and the number of women participating are increasing day by day. As of November 2012, about 1300 girls have already registered their legs as ad space, and the number keeps increasing. Participating women get their legs stamped with an ad and go on with their usual life, of course wearing a short skirt or shorts and showing their legs around as much as possible. As long as the ad is showing on their legs for eight hours a day or more, their job is done, and they are paid a part of the advertising fee. As proof of their work, participants must also post pictures of themselves “wearing” the ad on their own Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. Lately, even the world famous rock band Green Day has employed the service to promote the Japan release of their new CD, !Uno! According to Eichi Atsumi, a spokes person at the company running the service, the only guidelines that have to be met to get the job are that the registered person is connected to at least more than 20 people on some social network and that they are over 18 years old. (Photo by Naho Yoshizawa/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Oscar-nominee Denzel Washington appears before Japanese fans in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. The American screen star was in town to promote his latest film “Flight,” for which he was nominated for Best Actor. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – (L to R) Rachel Weisz, James Franco and .Sam Raimi attend press conference for movie “Oz: the Great and Powerful” at Roppongi Hills Arena, February 20, 2013. (Photo by YUTAKA/AFLO)
Val di Fiemme, Italy – Yurika Hirayama jumps high in the air during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 Women’s Official Training at Predazzo Ski Jumping Stadium, February 21, 2013. (Photo by Enrico Calderoni/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – The new Kabukiza Theater is illuminated in Tokyo’s Ginza district on Friday, February 22, 2013. The principal theater of traditional Kabuki will officially reopen on April 2 after three years of renovation. (Photo by Yusuke Nakanishi/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants shows off their kimonos on stage during the 2013 Kimono Queen Contest, February 16, 2013. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/Nippon News)
Tokyo, Japan – A girl with an advertisement on her leg stand in the middle of the Shibuya Crossing, known as the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing, February 19, 2013. A good advertisement should be put where everyone looks; women’s legs are a perfect canvas. In Japan a new advertising service allows women to rent out their own legs to advertisers. The company is called Absolute Territory PR, and the number of women participating are increasing day by day. As of November 2012, about 1300 girls have already registered their legs as ad space, and the number keeps increasing. Participating women get their legs stamped with an ad and go on with their usual life, of course wearing a short skirt or shorts and showing their legs around as much as possible. As long as the ad is showing on their legs for eight hours a day or more, their job is done, and they are paid a part of the advertising fee. As proof of their work, participants must also post pictures of themselves “wearing” the ad on their own Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. Lately, even the world famous rock band Green Day has employed the service to promote the Japan release of their new CD, !Uno! According to Eichi Atsumi, a spokes person at the company running the service, the only guidelines that have to be met to get the job are that the registered person is connected to at least more than 20 people on some social network and that they are over 18 years old. (Photo by Naho Yoshizawa/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Oscar-nominee Denzel Washington appears before Japanese fans in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. The American screen star was in town to promote his latest film “Flight,” for which he was nominated for Best Actor. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – (L to R) Rachel Weisz, James Franco and .Sam Raimi attend press conference for movie “Oz: the Great and Powerful” at Roppongi Hills Arena, February 20, 2013. (Photo by YUTAKA/AFLO)
Val di Fiemme, Italy – Yurika Hirayama jumps high in the air during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 Women’s Official Training at Predazzo Ski Jumping Stadium, February 21, 2013. (Photo by Enrico Calderoni/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – The new Kabukiza Theater is illuminated in Tokyo’s Ginza district on Friday, February 22, 2013. The principal theater of traditional Kabuki will officially reopen on April 2 after three years of renovation. (Photo by Yusuke Nakanishi/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants shows off their kimonos on stage during the 2013 Kimono Queen Contest, February 16, 2013. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/Nippon News)
Tokyo, Japan – A girl with an advertisement on her leg stand in the middle of the Shibuya Crossing, known as the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing, February 19, 2013. A good advertisement should be put where everyone looks; women’s legs are a perfect canvas. In Japan a new advertising service allows women to rent out their own legs to advertisers. The company is called Absolute Territory PR, and the number of women participating are increasing day by day. As of November 2012, about 1300 girls have already registered their legs as ad space, and the number keeps increasing. Participating women get their legs stamped with an ad and go on with their usual life, of course wearing a short skirt or shorts and showing their legs around as much as possible. As long as the ad is showing on their legs for eight hours a day or more, their job is done, and they are paid a part of the advertising fee. As proof of their work, participants must also post pictures of themselves “wearing” the ad on their own Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. Lately, even the world famous rock band Green Day has employed the service to promote the Japan release of their new CD, !Uno! According to Eichi Atsumi, a spokes person at the company running the service, the only guidelines that have to be met to get the job are that the registered person is connected to at least more than 20 people on some social network and that they are over 18 years old. (Photo by Naho Yoshizawa/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Oscar-nominee Denzel Washington appears before Japanese fans in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. The American screen star was in town to promote his latest film “Flight,” for which he was nominated for Best Actor. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – (L to R) Rachel Weisz, James Franco and .Sam Raimi attend press conference for movie “Oz: the Great and Powerful” at Roppongi Hills Arena, February 20, 2013. (Photo by YUTAKA/AFLO)
Val di Fiemme, Italy – Yurika Hirayama jumps high in the air during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 Women’s Official Training at Predazzo Ski Jumping Stadium, February 21, 2013. (Photo by Enrico Calderoni/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – The new Kabukiza Theater is illuminated in Tokyo’s Ginza district on Friday, February 22, 2013. The principal theater of traditional Kabuki will officially reopen on April 2 after three years of renovation. (Photo by Yusuke Nakanishi/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants shows off their kimonos on stage during the 2013 Kimono Queen Contest, February 16, 2013. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/Nippon News)
Tokyo, Japan – A girl with an advertisement on her leg stand in the middle of the Shibuya Crossing, known as the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing, February 19, 2013. A good advertisement should be put where everyone looks; women’s legs are a perfect canvas. In Japan a new advertising service allows women to rent out their own legs to advertisers. The company is called Absolute Territory PR, and the number of women participating are increasing day by day. As of November 2012, about 1300 girls have already registered their legs as ad space, and the number keeps increasing. Participating women get their legs stamped with an ad and go on with their usual life, of course wearing a short skirt or shorts and showing their legs around as much as possible. As long as the ad is showing on their legs for eight hours a day or more, their job is done, and they are paid a part of the advertising fee. As proof of their work, participants must also post pictures of themselves “wearing” the ad on their own Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. Lately, even the world famous rock band Green Day has employed the service to promote the Japan release of their new CD, !Uno! According to Eichi Atsumi, a spokes person at the company running the service, the only guidelines that have to be met to get the job are that the registered person is connected to at least more than 20 people on some social network and that they are over 18 years old. (Photo by Naho Yoshizawa/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Oscar-nominee Denzel Washington appears before Japanese fans in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. The American screen star was in town to promote his latest film “Flight,” for which he was nominated for Best Actor. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – (L to R) Rachel Weisz, James Franco and .Sam Raimi attend press conference for movie “Oz: the Great and Powerful” at Roppongi Hills Arena, February 20, 2013. (Photo by YUTAKA/AFLO)
Val di Fiemme, Italy – Yurika Hirayama jumps high in the air during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 Women’s Official Training at Predazzo Ski Jumping Stadium, February 21, 2013. (Photo by Enrico Calderoni/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – The new Kabukiza Theater is illuminated in Tokyo’s Ginza district on Friday, February 22, 2013. The principal theater of traditional Kabuki will officially reopen on April 2 after three years of renovation. (Photo by Yusuke Nakanishi/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants shows off their kimonos on stage during the 2013 Kimono Queen Contest, February 16, 2013. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/Nippon News)
Tokyo, Japan – A girl with an advertisement on her leg stand in the middle of the Shibuya Crossing, known as the world’s busiest pedestrian crossing, February 19, 2013. A good advertisement should be put where everyone looks; women’s legs are a perfect canvas. In Japan a new advertising service allows women to rent out their own legs to advertisers. The company is called Absolute Territory PR, and the number of women participating are increasing day by day. As of November 2012, about 1300 girls have already registered their legs as ad space, and the number keeps increasing. Participating women get their legs stamped with an ad and go on with their usual life, of course wearing a short skirt or shorts and showing their legs around as much as possible. As long as the ad is showing on their legs for eight hours a day or more, their job is done, and they are paid a part of the advertising fee. As proof of their work, participants must also post pictures of themselves “wearing” the ad on their own Facebook, Twitter or other social networks. Lately, even the world famous rock band Green Day has employed the service to promote the Japan release of their new CD, !Uno! According to Eichi Atsumi, a spokes person at the company running the service, the only guidelines that have to be met to get the job are that the registered person is connected to at least more than 20 people on some social network and that they are over 18 years old. (Photo by Naho Yoshizawa/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Oscar-nominee Denzel Washington appears before Japanese fans in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 20, 2013. The American screen star was in town to promote his latest film “Flight,” for which he was nominated for Best Actor. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – (L to R) Rachel Weisz, James Franco and .Sam Raimi attend press conference for movie “Oz: the Great and Powerful” at Roppongi Hills Arena, February 20, 2013. (Photo by YUTAKA/AFLO)
Val di Fiemme, Italy – Yurika Hirayama jumps high in the air during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 Women’s Official Training at Predazzo Ski Jumping Stadium, February 21, 2013. (Photo by Enrico Calderoni/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – The new Kabukiza Theater is illuminated in Tokyo’s Ginza district on Friday, February 22, 2013. The principal theater of traditional Kabuki will officially reopen on April 2 after three years of renovation. (Photo by Yusuke Nakanishi/AFLO)