Tokyo, Japan – Contestants dressed in kimonos prepare themselves prior to getting on stage during the 2012 Kimono Queen Contest, February 18, 2012. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Takayuki Kumagai (Alvark) during the JBL 2011-2012 game between Toyota Alvark 94-83 Link Tochigi Brex at Komazawa Gymnasium, February 18, 2012. (Photo by Takahisa Hirano/AFLO)
Fort Myers, Florida (USA) – Daisuke Matsuzaka (Red Sox) during the MLB Boston Red Sox Spring Training Camp at JetBlue Park at Fenway South, February 21, 2012 (Photo by Thomas Anderson/AFLO) (JAPANESE NEWSPAPER OUT)
Tokyo, Japan – Scott West, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s director for Investigation, speaks during a news conference at Tokyo’s Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan, February 24, 2012. At left is Erwin Vermeulen, a Dutch activist linked to the anti-whaling group. Vermeulen, 42, was acquitted on February 22 of assaulting a Japanese worker in the western Japanese whaling town of Taiji. Vermeulen was indicted for allegedly punching the man in December when he was stopped from entering an off-limits area near a secluded bay where large dolphin hunts take place. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Osaka, Japan – Tomoaki Makino (JPN) competes for the ball during the KIRIN Challenge Cup 2012 match between Japan 3-1 Iceland at Nagai Stadium, February 24, 2012. (Photo by Akihiro Sugimoto/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants dressed in kimonos prepare themselves prior to getting on stage during the 2012 Kimono Queen Contest, February 18, 2012. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Takayuki Kumagai (Alvark) during the JBL 2011-2012 game between Toyota Alvark 94-83 Link Tochigi Brex at Komazawa Gymnasium, February 18, 2012. (Photo by Takahisa Hirano/AFLO)
Fort Myers, Florida (USA) – Daisuke Matsuzaka (Red Sox) during the MLB Boston Red Sox Spring Training Camp at JetBlue Park at Fenway South, February 21, 2012 (Photo by Thomas Anderson/AFLO) (JAPANESE NEWSPAPER OUT)
Tokyo, Japan – Scott West, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s director for Investigation, speaks during a news conference at Tokyo’s Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan, February 24, 2012. At left is Erwin Vermeulen, a Dutch activist linked to the anti-whaling group. Vermeulen, 42, was acquitted on February 22 of assaulting a Japanese worker in the western Japanese whaling town of Taiji. Vermeulen was indicted for allegedly punching the man in December when he was stopped from entering an off-limits area near a secluded bay where large dolphin hunts take place. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Osaka, Japan – Tomoaki Makino (JPN) competes for the ball during the KIRIN Challenge Cup 2012 match between Japan 3-1 Iceland at Nagai Stadium, February 24, 2012. (Photo by Akihiro Sugimoto/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants dressed in kimonos prepare themselves prior to getting on stage during the 2012 Kimono Queen Contest, February 18, 2012. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Takayuki Kumagai (Alvark) during the JBL 2011-2012 game between Toyota Alvark 94-83 Link Tochigi Brex at Komazawa Gymnasium, February 18, 2012. (Photo by Takahisa Hirano/AFLO)
Fort Myers, Florida (USA) – Daisuke Matsuzaka (Red Sox) during the MLB Boston Red Sox Spring Training Camp at JetBlue Park at Fenway South, February 21, 2012 (Photo by Thomas Anderson/AFLO) (JAPANESE NEWSPAPER OUT)
Tokyo, Japan – Scott West, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s director for Investigation, speaks during a news conference at Tokyo’s Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan, February 24, 2012. At left is Erwin Vermeulen, a Dutch activist linked to the anti-whaling group. Vermeulen, 42, was acquitted on February 22 of assaulting a Japanese worker in the western Japanese whaling town of Taiji. Vermeulen was indicted for allegedly punching the man in December when he was stopped from entering an off-limits area near a secluded bay where large dolphin hunts take place. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Osaka, Japan – Tomoaki Makino (JPN) competes for the ball during the KIRIN Challenge Cup 2012 match between Japan 3-1 Iceland at Nagai Stadium, February 24, 2012. (Photo by Akihiro Sugimoto/AFLO SPORT)
Tokyo, Japan – Contestants dressed in kimonos prepare themselves prior to getting on stage during the 2012 Kimono Queen Contest, February 18, 2012. Approximately 500 women dressed in beautifully designed kimonos participate in this annual event for a chance to win special prizes and given the opportunity to be recognized as a kimono model in various media outlets. (Photo by Christopher Jue/AFLO)
Tokyo, Japan – Takayuki Kumagai (Alvark) during the JBL 2011-2012 game between Toyota Alvark 94-83 Link Tochigi Brex at Komazawa Gymnasium, February 18, 2012. (Photo by Takahisa Hirano/AFLO)
Fort Myers, Florida (USA) – Daisuke Matsuzaka (Red Sox) during the MLB Boston Red Sox Spring Training Camp at JetBlue Park at Fenway South, February 21, 2012 (Photo by Thomas Anderson/AFLO) (JAPANESE NEWSPAPER OUT)
Tokyo, Japan – Scott West, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s director for Investigation, speaks during a news conference at Tokyo’s Foreign Correspondent Club of Japan, February 24, 2012. At left is Erwin Vermeulen, a Dutch activist linked to the anti-whaling group. Vermeulen, 42, was acquitted on February 22 of assaulting a Japanese worker in the western Japanese whaling town of Taiji. Vermeulen was indicted for allegedly punching the man in December when he was stopped from entering an off-limits area near a secluded bay where large dolphin hunts take place. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Osaka, Japan – Tomoaki Makino (JPN) competes for the ball during the KIRIN Challenge Cup 2012 match between Japan 3-1 Iceland at Nagai Stadium, February 24, 2012. (Photo by Akihiro Sugimoto/AFLO SPORT)