Kasumigaseki Country Club is located in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture and has a history over 80 years. The club is set to turn a new era, after being designated as venue of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
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18th hole at Kasumigaseki Country Club shot in October 2016, in Kawagoe, Japan. Kasumigaseki CC is the venue for golf at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. (Photo by Koji Aoki/AFLO SPORT)
General view of Kasumigaseki CC shot on August 15, 2019 in Kawagoe, Japan. Kasumigaseki Country Club is the venue for golf at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. (Photo by YUTAKA/AFLO SPORT)
18th hole at Kasumigaseki Country Club shot in October 2016, in Kawagoe, Japan. Kasumigaseki CC is the venue for golf at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. (Photo by Koji Aoki/AFLO SPORT)
Aerial view of Kasumigaseki Country Club (foreground) in Kawagoe, Japan, shot in October 2013. Mt. Fuji can be seen in the background. Kasumigaseki CC is the venue for golf at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games. (Photo by AFLO)