Post Tagged with: "pets"

News, Society

Interpets Asia Pacific 2017

Interpets Asia Pacific 2017

(All photos by Rodrigo Reyes Marin/AFLO) Interpets Asia Pacific is being held at Tokyo Big Sight from March 30 to April 2. This year, 403 companies from 17 countries are […]

Features, Japan Daily Life

Cat island Aoshima

Cat island Aoshima

Cats outnumber residents almost 10 to 1 on Aoshima island, off the coast of Ozu city in Ehime prefecture. (All photos by Yoshio Tsunoda/AFLO) Our reporter visited the island on […]


Japan International Dog ShowJapan International Dog Showアジア最大級のドッグショー

Japan International Dog ShowJapan International Dog Showアジア最大級のドッグショー