Dairy farmer Mr. Yoshida, 47 milks in his milking shed in Hirata Village, Fukushima, Japan. Mr. Yoshida couldn’t sell his milk for 40 days after the government ordered farmers on the 17th of March to cease selling milk at start of the crisis at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear plant. Mr. Yoshida has received 50% of his income in compensation from TEPCO for March, April and May and loans from the farm association but is anxious about whether future compensation will come. He feels that TEPCO should also pay for feed so farmers don’t have to pay. (Photo by B.Meyer-Kenny/AFLO)
Fukushima AgricultureFukushima AgricultureFukushima AgricultureFukushima Agriculture
Tags: Dairy farmer × Farmer × fukushima × Fukushima daiichi × Hirata village × japan × nuclear crisis × TEPCO × Tokyo electric