Post Tagged with: "nuclear crisis"


Fukushima AgricultureFukushima AgricultureFukushima AgricultureFukushima Agriculture

Fukushima AgricultureFukushima AgricultureFukushima AgricultureFukushima Agriculture

Dairy farmer Mr. Yoshida, 47  milks in his milking shed in Hirata Village, Fukushima, Japan. Mr. Yoshida couldn’t sell his milk for 40 days after the government ordered farmers on […]


Hamaoka Nuclear PlantHamaoka Nuclear Plant菅首相、原子炉停止要請 中部電力浜岡原発

Hamaoka Nuclear PlantHamaoka Nuclear Plant菅首相、原子炉停止要請 中部電力浜岡原発

Hamaoka nuclear plant of Cubu Electric Power Co. stands behind a wire fence in Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture in central Japan some 180km southwest of Tokyo, on Sunday, May 8, 2011. […]

2011 Earthquake & Tsunami, Business, News

#Quakebook Japan Fundraising Project #Quakebook Japan Fundraising Project #quakebook」が話題に 震災募金プロジェクト

#Quakebook Japan Fundraising Project #Quakebook Japan Fundraising Project #quakebook」が話題に 震災募金プロジェクト

The Twitter-sourced #Quakebook project was created in one week by a group of journalists to raise money for the earthquake and tsunami victims. The 98-page book titled “2:46: Aftershock: Stories […]