Hamaoka nuclear plant of Cubu Electric Power Co. stands behind a wire fence in Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture in central Japan some 180km southwest of Tokyo, on Sunday, May 8, 2011. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged on Friday the Japanese utility company to suspend all reactors at the plant. In a hastily arranged news conference Kan said all operations at the plant must be suspended due to concerns that a powerful earthquake could hit the area and trigger another serious nuclear crisis. (Photo by Natsuki Sakai/AFLO)
Hamaoka Nuclear PlantHamaoka Nuclear Plant菅首相、原子炉停止要請 中部電力浜岡原発
Tags: Cubu Electric Power Co. × earthquake × Hamaoka Nuclear Plant × japan × nuclear crisis × Omaezaki × outside view × powerful × wire fence